Sustainable Williston meets this Thursday, Mar 12th

Sustainable Williston’s main or steering group will meet this Thursday, March 12th, at 7:15pm, at very pleasant meeting space provided by Michelle Robbins at 528 Essex Road, above the Habitat for Humanity Restore.

We’ll hear reports from each of our newly-organized task forces and discuss plans and mission for Sustainable Williston going forward. Everyone in the area with an interest in sustainability is welcome; we’d love to meet you. You can join one or more task forces and/or attend the main meetings, whatever works well for your interests and schedule.

Our current task forces are

  • Light Pollution
  • Transportation
  • Town Connections
  • Trees
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Waste Reduction
  • Water Quality
  • Local Food
  • School Connections

Carpooling is available; to join or offer a ride, contact us through our contact page with name, address, and phone.