New Book Club- Active Hope by Joanna Macy

We will be joining a national book club discussion on Active Hope by Joanna Macy.

“Books about social and ecological change
too often leave out a vital component:
how do we change ourselves
so that we are strong enough
to fully contribute to this great shift?
Active Hope fills this gap beautifully,
guiding readers on a journey of gratitude, grief,
interconnection and, ultimately, transformation.”
Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine.

For those of you interested in participating in the Active Hope book club, please fill out this form to let the national group know that you’re joining in. They will reach out to all “registered” participants when the date of the first conversation is finalized for the week of May 18. Please finish Part 1 (~80 pages) by then. If you’d like to weigh on when the meeting to chat about Part 1 should be, fill out this Doodle Poll before May 1.

Most of the book is available for free reading via Google Books preview. It’s also free on Hoopla via Dorthy Alling Library. Contact Caylin if you would like to read her paper copy.

Regenerative Agriculture for the Home Gardener – Webinar (hosted by & SW)

Register Now

Join us Tuesday, April 14 from 7-9 pm, to learn how to build soil health and sequester carbon while growing your own food. This event will featuring CAT BUXTON, co-founder of the Vermont Healthy Soils Coalition. The webinar will cover all aspects of starting your regenerative garden this spring – from cover cropping to no-till methods. Co-sponsored by 350VT and Sustainable Williston.

To receive info on how to join this webinar, please register for event at