Williston’s first Sustainable Gardens Tour a success

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Last night 18 of us, from the garden-curious to master gardeners, traveled to 5 different gardens around Williston, getting to know not only the different gardens with their differences in soils, experience of gardeners, crops, challenges, and triumphs, but also other Williston folks and corners of the town that some of us had never seen.

Despite predictions of thunderstorms we went ahead, and to my astonishment the rain held off completely. 15 minutes per garden turned out to be just about perfect, and it was easy for us to stay on schedule through the whole tour. Sue Stanne served us blueberry buckler with blueberries harvested from her yard just the day before, and we sampled crops like cucumbers (three kinds: traditional, European, and Silver Slicer), Tatsoi (an Asian green), and thimbleberries. We saw peppers grown in hay bales, Adirondack chair backs and large pretzel containers repurposed to hold tools, my monstrous corridor trellis, stirrup hoes, drip irrigation, anti-rabbit measures, and much more of interest.
Almost everyone who signed up made it to the event, and it seemed to be well enjoyed. Several of us got pictures, and Marie-Claude Beaudette got the beautiful set you see above.